The First General Sejm was convened on January 18, 1493, in Piotrków by King John I Albert. This event marked the beginning of Polish parliamentarism, introducing a bicameral parliamentary system consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. During the session, 33 parliamentary constitutions were enacted, which shaped the foundations of the Polish political system.

The First General Sejm was convened on January 18, 1493, in Piotrków by King John I Albert. This event marked the beginning of Polish parliamentarism, introducing a bicameral parliamentary system consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. During the session, 33 parliamentary constitutions were enacted, which shaped the foundations of the Polish political system.

The General Sejm was one of the most important institutions of old Poland, which shaped the country's political system for centuries. Its origins date back to the Middle Ages when rulers needed broader support for their political and economic decisions.

The first assemblies resembling the General Sejm were held as early as the 13th century, but 1493 is considered the official beginning of this institution. It was then that King John I Albert convened in Piotrków the first official session of the General Sejm, attended by representatives of all parliamentary estates. This historic moment initiated the era of parliamentarism in Poland, which continued uninterrupted for centuries to come.

Beginnings of Polish Parliamentarism


Polish parliamentarism evolved from informal advisory assemblies to the ruler into an organized state institution. This process began during the period of feudal fragmentation and lasted until the end of the 15th century.

Role of Ducal Assemblies


Ducal assemblies constituted the original form of political gatherings in medieval Poland. They were held between 1180-1250 with the participation of regional dukes, church dignitaries, and secular magnates. The assemblies made decisions regarding:

  • Property matters of the Piast dynasty

  • Resolution of territorial disputes

  • Establishing rules for inheritance of regional thrones

  • Coordination of foreign policy between regions

  • Regular meetings of representatives of secular and spiritual nobility

  • Discussions on tax and economic matters

  • Issuing class privileges

  • Providing opinions on ruler's decisions in state matters

PeriodNumber of documented assembliesMain meeting places
1180-125047 ducal assembliesŁęczyca, Gniezno
1250-130068 magnate assembliesKraków, Poznań
1300-1450156 magnate assembliesPiotrków, Korczyn

First General Sejm in Piotrków


First General Sejm in Piotrków


The first General Sejm was convened in Piotrków by King John I Albert in 1493. This event marked a breakthrough moment in the history of Polish parliamentarism, introducing a new form of political representation for all parliamentary estates.

Date and Circumstances of Convening


The proceedings of the first General Sejm began on January 18, 1493, in Piotrków Trybunalski. King John I Albert convened this assembly in response to growing needs for state reform and the necessity to organize treasury matters. The sessions lasted until March 3, 1493, during which 33 parliamentary constitutions were enacted regulating key aspects of state functioning.

  • Senate - consisting of 9 Catholic bishops, 14 voivodes, 65 castellans
  • Chamber of Deputies - represented by 45 land deputies elected at local assemblies
  • King John I Albert with his closest royal advisors
Parliamentary EstateNumber of Representatives
Land Deputies45

Structure of the First General Sejm


The first General Sejm of 1493 introduced a bicameral parliament structure, which became the foundation of the Polish parliamentary system. The Sejm's organization was based on two main chambers: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

Chamber of Deputies


The Chamber of Deputies represented the nobility from various lands of the Kingdom of Poland. 45 land deputies, elected at local assemblies (sejmiks), represented the interests of their regions during the proceedings in Piotrków. Deputies held a parliamentary mandate granted by the sejmiks, obligating them to follow electoral instructions. This system ensured representation for all lands of the Kingdom in state decision-making.



The Senate consisted of 88 senators holding the highest state and church offices:

  • 9 Catholic bishops overseeing church affairs
  • 14 voivodes representing territorial administration
  • 65 castellans responsible for managing administrative districts

Senators served as the royal council, advising the monarch on key state matters. Their position stemmed from their held offices and experience in governance.

Main Resolutions of the 1493 Sejm


During the first General Sejm, 33 parliamentary constitutions were enacted, introducing fundamental changes in the functioning of the Polish state. These provisions encompassed a wide range of systemic reforms and tax decisions.

Systemic Reforms


The 1493 Sejm introduced the principle of regular parliamentary sessions, establishing a bicameral system of proceedings. The Chamber of Deputies received legislative competencies in matters of taxes, customs, and other economic affairs. Permanent parliamentary committees were established to handle:

  • Treasury matters (control of royal revenues)
  • Military affairs (organization of national defense)
  • Judicial matters (reform of the judiciary)

Tax Decisions


The Sejm established a new tax system based on the following principles:

Type of TaxAmountSubject of Taxation
Łanowe12 groszePeasant lands
Szos2 groszeUrban properties
Czopowe10% of valueBeer and mead production
  • Annual tax settlements before local assemblies (sejmiks)
  • Financial reporting by tax collectors
  • Allocation of part of the revenue for military maintenance

Significance of the First General Sejm


The First General Sejm of 1493 shaped the foundations of Polish parliamentarism for centuries to come. This event initiated a new era in the development of Polish statehood through the introduction of systematic constitutional solutions.

Impact on the Political System


The General Sejm introduced three key changes to the political system of the Kingdom of Poland:

  • Establishment of regular parliamentary sessions at fixed dates
  • Introduction of territorial representation through the system of local assemblies
  • Formalization of the legislative process involving three parliamentary estates: the king, senate, and chamber of deputies

The bicameral system created a mechanism balancing power between the monarch and noble representatives. The Chamber of Deputies received competencies in:

  • Voting on taxes
  • Control of the state treasury
  • Approving royal decisions on matters of war and peace
  • Establishing common law

Constitutional Legacy


Polish parliamentarism introduced innovative legal and constitutional solutions:

  • Representative system based on deputy mandate

  • Principle of decision-making through voting

  • Procedure for enacting parliamentary constitutions

  • Model of bicameral parliament

  • Political culture in Central Europe

  • Principles of noble democracy

  • System of checks and balances between royal and representative power

  • Parliamentary traditions in Poland

Legacy ElementImpact on Modern Times
Bicameral SystemModel of modern parliament
Deputy MandateFoundation of modern representation
Parliamentary ConstitutionsTemplate for legal acts
Voting ProceduresFundamentals of parliamentary democracy


  • The first official general Sejm was convened in 1493 by King John I Albert in Piotrków Trybunalski
  • Before the official general Sejm, there were princely councils (1180-1250) and assemblies of nobles, which formed the basis for the development of Polish parliamentarism
  • The general Sejm of 1493 introduced a bicameral parliament structure - the Chamber of Deputies (45 deputies) and the Senate (88 senators)
  • During the first general Sejm, 33 parliamentary constitutions were enacted, introducing fundamental systemic and tax reforms
  • This event marked the beginning of a new era in the development of Polish statehood and created the foundations for a parliamentary system that would function for centuries to come



The first general Sejm in 1493 was a turning point in the history of Polish parliamentarism. Its convening by John I Albert in Piotrków laid the groundwork for a modern parliamentary system that would function for centuries to come.

The introduction of a bicameral parliamentary system consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, along with the enactment of 33 parliamentary constitutions, shaped the foundations of Polish noble democracy. This model of governance became an inspiration for other European countries.

Polish parliamentarism was ahead of its time, introducing innovative constitutional solutions such as the representative system, parliamentary mandate, and voting procedures. These mechanisms continue to form the basis of modern democratic systems today.


When did the first General Sejm take place in Poland?

The first General Sejm was convened by King John I Albert in 1493 in Piotrków. The session lasted from January 18 to March 3, 1493. This event is considered the official beginning of Polish parliamentarism.

What was the structure of the first General Sejm?

The General Sejm had a bicameral structure. It consisted of the Senate (88 senators: 9 bishops, 14 voivodes, and 65 castellans) and the Chamber of Deputies (45 land deputies). This arrangement ensured representation of various social estates.

How many constitutions were enacted during the first Sejm?

During the first General Sejm, 33 parliamentary constitutions were enacted. They concerned state system reforms, introduced a new tax system, and regulated key aspects of state functioning.

What were the main achievements of the first General Sejm?

The main achievements included: introduction of regular parliamentary sessions, establishment of territorial representation principle, and formalization of the legislative process. The Sejm also created a system of balance between royal power and nobility representatives.

What innovations did Polish parliamentarism introduce?

Polish parliamentarism introduced a representative system based on deputy mandate, the principle of decision-making through voting, and the procedure for enacting parliamentary constitutions. These solutions became the foundation of noble democracy.

What preceded the establishment of the General Sejm?

Before the establishment of the General Sejm, there were princely councils (1180-1250) and magnate assemblies. These gatherings discussed Piast dynasty property matters, territorial disputes, and coordinated foreign policy.