The Privilege of Košice from September 17, 1374, was a landmark document in medieval Polish history, issued by King Louis of Hungary in Košice. This document significantly changed the relationship between the monarch and the nobility, granting the latter numerous privileges, including tax exemptions and legal guarantees. This event laid the foundation for the development of noble democracy and the later political system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The Privilege of Košice from September 17, 1374, was a landmark document in medieval Polish history, issued by King Louis of Hungary in Košice. This document significantly changed the relationship between the monarch and the nobility, granting the latter numerous privileges, including tax exemptions and legal guarantees. This event laid the foundation for the development of noble democracy and the later political system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The Košice Privilege is one of the most important documents in medieval Polish history. Issued in 1374 by King Louis of Hungary, it became a milestone in shaping the Polish nobility and legal system.

This document not only guaranteed numerous privileges to the nobility but also had an enormous impact on the further development of the Polish state. Its issuance was a result of the complex political and dynastic situation in which Poland found itself at the time. The Košice Privilege remains a fascinating subject for historians and researchers who analyze its significance and consequences for the subsequent centuries of Polish history.

The Košice Privilege - A Key Event In Polish History


The Košice Privilege, issued in 1374, represents a milestone in medieval Polish history. This document, granted by Louis of Hungary, introduced fundamental changes in the relationship between the monarch and the Polish nobility.

The privilege guaranteed the nobility several important rights:

  • Exemption from taxes, except for two grosze per peasant łan
  • Limitation of military service obligation outside the country
  • Compensation for losses incurred during foreign expeditions
  • Appointment of local offices exclusively by local nobility

This document had far-reaching consequences for the Polish legal and political system:

  1. Strengthening of the nobility's position
  2. Limitation of royal power
  3. Development of noble democracy
  4. Shaping of throne succession principles

The Košice Privilege laid the foundation for the later system of the noble Republic, influencing the political structure of the Polish state for centuries to come.

Historical Background of the Košice Privilege


The Košice Privilege was issued in the context of the complex political situation of 14th-century Poland. Its creation was closely tied to Louis of Hungary's efforts to ensure the succession of the Polish throne for his daughters.

Political Situation In 14th-Century Poland


14th-century Poland underwent a period of intense political and social transformations. The death of Casimir the Great in 1370 ended the Piast dynasty's reign on the Polish throne. The country faced succession challenges, which led to Louis of Hungary assuming power. The Polish nobility, aware of their growing position, sought to increase their privileges and political influence. Simultaneously, the threat from the Teutonic Order and Lithuania's expansion in the east required strong leadership and internal stability.

The Role of Louis of Hungary


Louis of Hungary, as King of Poland from 1370, faced the difficult task of maintaining power and ensuring dynastic continuity. Having no male heir, he sought to guarantee throne succession for one of his daughters. This situation led him to seek support among the Polish nobility. The Privilege of Koszyce was the result of negotiations between the king and Poland's political elite. Louis, in exchange for agreement to his daughter's succession, decided to make significant concessions to the nobility, which led to the issuance of the privilege in 1374 in Koszyce. His actions had far-reaching consequences for Poland's future, shaping relations between the monarch and nobility for centuries to come.

Date of Issue of the Privilege of Koszyce


The Privilege of Koszyce was issued on September 17, 1374. This is a crucial date in Polish history that initiated a series of significant changes in the country's socio-political structure.

Year 1374 - A Turning Point


The year 1374 proved to be groundbreaking for the Polish nobility and legal system. Louis of Hungary, King of Poland and Hungary, issued the Privilege of Koszyce in response to the growing demands of the Polish nobility. This document significantly changed the relationship between the monarch and nobility, granting the latter numerous benefits and privileges. The issuance of the privilege was directly related to Louis's efforts to ensure throne succession for his daughters, which required support from the Polish nobility.

Place of Issuance - Košice


The Privilege of Košice was issued in Košice, a city located in present-day Slovakia. The choice of Košice as the location for issuing the document was not accidental. The city, then within the borders of the Kingdom of Hungary, served as neutral ground for negotiations between King Louis and representatives of the Polish nobility. Košice, being an important trade and administrative center, provided suitable conditions for conducting such significant talks and formalizing the arrangements in the form of the privilege.

Main Provisions of the Privilege of Košice


The Privilege of Košice introduced fundamental changes in the relationship between the monarch and Polish nobility. This document contained several important provisions that significantly impacted the legal and economic situation of the nobility and the political structure of the Polish state.

Reduction of Noble Taxes


The Privilege of Košice significantly reduced the tax burden on nobility. A fixed tax of 2 grosze per peasant łan was introduced, exempting the nobility from other royal tributes. This tax relief contributed to increasing the nobility's wealth and strengthening their economic position. The change in the tax system also limited the monarch's financial capabilities, which consequently led to the weakening of royal power.

Guarantees for the Nobility


The Privilege of Košice provided the nobility with numerous guarantees:

  1. Appointment to offices: Only local nobility could hold land offices in a given province.
  2. Military service limitation: The nobility was exempted from military service outside the country without proper compensation.
  3. Compensation for losses: The principle of compensation for losses incurred during foreign expeditions was introduced.
  4. Property inviolability: The inviolability of noble estates without a court verdict was guaranteed.
  5. Royal election: The nobility gained the right to participate in the election of a new monarch in case of dynasty extinction.

These provisions significantly strengthened the position of the nobility, creating foundations for the development of noble democracy and shaping the future political system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The Significance of the Privilege of Koszyce for Poland


The Privilege of Koszyce from 1374 had fundamental importance for shaping Poland's political system. This document introduced changes that defined the relationship between the monarch and nobility for centuries and influenced the development of the Polish legal and political system.

Strengthening the Position of the Nobility


The Privilege of Koszyce significantly strengthened the nobility's position in Poland's social and political hierarchy. The nobility gained numerous benefits:

  • Tax exemption, except for two grosze per peasant łan
  • Limitation of military service obligation outside the country
  • Guarantee of compensation for losses incurred during foreign expeditions
  • Right to appoint only local nobility to land offices

These privileges contributed to the increase in wealth and political influence of the nobility, laying the groundwork for the development of noble democracy. The nobility also gained the right to participate in the election of a new monarch in case of dynasty extinction, which became a key element in the formation of Polish parliamentarism.


The Privilege of Koszyce had a profound impact on the Polish legal and political system:

  • Limitation of royal power in favor of the nobility
  • Development of throne succession principles
  • Formation of the noble Commonwealth system
  • Introduction of the principle "neminem captivabimus nisi iure victum" (no one shall be imprisoned without a court verdict)

This document initiated a process of constitutional evolution, leading to the creation of a unique system of noble democracy in Europe. The introduced changes influenced the shape of Polish parliamentarism, the judicial system, and relations between different social groups. The Privilege of Koszyce became a reference point for later legal acts that shaped the Commonwealth's political system for centuries to come.

Long-term Effects of the Privilege


The Privilege of Koszyce had a profound impact on Polish society and political system, shaping the country's fate for centuries. Its consequences included:

  1. Strengthening of the nobility's position:
  • Increased political influence
  • Growing wealth due to tax exemptions
  • Development of noble culture
  1. Limitation of royal power:
  • Reduced control over official appointments
  • Restricted ability to impose taxes
  • Weakened position of the monarch in state structure
  1. Development of noble democracy:
  • Formation of regional assemblies (sejmiks)
  • Growing importance of the general parliament (Sejm)
  • Evolution of the liberum veto principle
  1. Changes in the legal system:
  • Introduction of the principle "neminem captivabimus nisi iure victum"
  • Development of land law
  • Codification of noble privileges
  1. Impact on foreign policy:
  • Limited monarch's ability to conduct active foreign policy
  • Change in the nature of military campaigns
  • Development of noble diplomacy
  1. Formation of the Commonwealth's political system:
  • Foundations for later viritim election
  • Development of the "golden liberty" concept
  • Formation of the state concept as a "commonwealth"

The Privilege of Koszyce initiated a process that led to the creation of a unique political system in Europe. Its provisions became the foundation for subsequent legal acts, such as the Privileges of Nieszawa and the Nihil Novi constitution, which further shaped the political system of the noble Commonwealth.


  • The Privilege of Koszyce was issued on September 17, 1374, by King Louis of Hungary in Košice.
  • This document significantly strengthened the position of the nobility by granting them numerous tax and legal privileges.
  • The main provisions included tax reduction, limitation of military service, and guarantees of local nobility appointments to offices.
  • The Privilege of Koszyce laid the groundwork for the development of noble democracy and the formation of the Commonwealth's political system.
  • Long-term effects included the limitation of royal power and the evolution of the Polish legal and political system.
  • This event was of fundamental importance to Polish history, influencing its fate for centuries to come.



The Privilege of Koszyce issued on September 17, 1374, by Louis of Hungary is a key document in Polish history. Its significance extends far beyond the political realities of that time.

This privilege not only changed the relationship between the monarch and nobility but also laid the foundation for the future system of the Commonwealth. Its effects were felt for centuries, shaping the Polish legal and political system.

The issuance of the Privilege of Koszyce was the result of a complex dynastic situation and Louis of Hungary's far-sighted policy. This document remains a fascinating subject of study for historians analyzing the development of Polish statehood.


What was the Privilege of Košice?

The Privilege of Košice was a document issued on September 17, 1374, by King Louis of Hungary. It granted the Polish nobility numerous benefits and privileges, including tax exemptions (except for two grosze per peasant's lan), limiting military service obligations outside the country, and ensuring that land offices were held exclusively by local nobility. This document was fundamental to the development of the Polish legal system and statehood.

What were the main provisions of the Privilege of Košice?

The main provisions of the Privilege of Košice included: 1. Tax exemption for nobility (except for two grosze per peasant's lan) 2. Limitation of military service obligation outside the country 3. Compensation guarantees for losses incurred during foreign expeditions 4. Appointment of local nobility only to land offices 5. Introduction of the principle "neminem captivabimus nisi iure victum" (no one shall be imprisoned without a court verdict)

Why did Louis of Hungary issue the Privilege of Košice?

Louis of Hungary issued the Privilege of Košice to secure the Polish nobility's support regarding throne succession. Having no male heir, he sought to guarantee succession rights for his daughters. By granting privileges to the nobility, Louis aimed to gain their favor and secure dynastic interests. The document was thus the result of negotiations between the monarch and nobility in the complex political situation of 14th-century Poland.

What were the long-term effects of the Privilege of Košice?

The long-term effects of the Privilege of Košice included: 1. Strengthening of the nobility's position 2. Limitation of royal power 3. Development of noble democracy 4. Changes in the legal system 5. Increase in nobility's wealth 6. Shaping of throne succession principles 7. Laying foundations for the noble Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth system This privilege initiated a process that led to the creation of a unique political system in Europe.

Why was Košice chosen as the location for issuing the privilege?

Košice was chosen as the location for issuing the Privilege due to its strategic position and significance. The city was an important trade and administrative center, providing suitable conditions for conducting significant talks and formalizing agreements. The choice of Košice also emphasized the importance of the document and negotiations between the king and nobility. This location enabled efficient organization of the meeting and gave the event appropriate prestige.